Your home loan is likely to be one of your life’s biggest investments so you want to make sure you get it right, but finding the perfect loan can be stressful and confusing – At Top Finance Specialists our role as mortgage specialists is to compare your options and help you choose the right loan for your circumstances. Read More


Refinancing refers to the process of paying out your current home loan by taking out a new loan, either with your existing lender or through a different lender. You could get a lower interest rate and reduce your monthly repayments or you could fix your rate for a certain period, and have the security of fixed monthly repayments. Read more


Would you like to make your money work for you? Buying an investment property may allow you to take advantage of the associated tax benefits and introduce a regular and steady income stream. So, if you are Considering purchasing an investment property? We’re here to help, with a choice of investment loan options, repayment strategies and other great options for investors. Read More